Using Hypnotherapy for childbirth
Hypnobirthing involves using Hypnotherapy to aid childbirth. At HypnoPregnancy™ our practitioners will teach you specific self-hypnosis, breathing and relaxation techniques to help you have the calm, confident and natural birth that you and your baby deserve. Hypnotherapy is a completely safe, calm, relaxing experience which helps you to feel and be more in control of your birthing experience. Additionally, if any challenges do come along during your birthing experience you will find you are able to deal with them in a much calmer way.
All our HypnoPregnancy™ Practitioners are also qualified Clinical Hypnotherapists so unlike other Hypnobirthing programmes they can create a bespoke programme especially for you if needed. Our practitioners are currently based in the UK and many offer online sessions so they can come to you via Zoom in the comfort of your own home.
Hypnobirthing has been gaining in popularity as more high-profile women like Kate Middleton are using it successfully to help with; morning sickness, pregnancy fears, a calm and enjoyable pregnancy and a wonderful birth for both Mum, Dad and newborn baby.
Hypnobirthing firstly deals with any negative preconceived ideas or previous fears or trauma around pregnancy and birth, enabling you to feel more confident and excited about this new journey you are embarking on.
It then teaches relaxation and visualisation techniques that you can practise daily throughout your pregnancy. This encourages you to take some quiet time each day where you can focus positively on yourself, your changing body, your growing baby and your desired natural birth. This is an opportunity for you and your partner to not only rest and relax together but also bond with your precious baby right from the start.
This programme empowers you during the birthing process enabling you to be calm, work intuitively with your perfectly designed body, relax skeletal muscles to reduce any discomfort in the early stages and deeply focus your energy to give you an easy natural birth, just as nature intended for you. It also helps if there are any challenges during the birthing process enabling you to stay calm and make the best decisions for yourself and your baby.
The benefits carry on after the birth with many women reporting improved breast feeding, (if they decided to do so) better sleep patterns, more energy and quickly getting back into shape effortlessly. Enjoying the early days of parenthood are a happy, positive and very welcome side effect of this programme.
Included in our Hypno4Birthing Programme:
• Female Anatomy
• Stages of Embryo & Foetus Development
• The 3 Stages of Birth
• Self-Hypnosis
• Breathing Techniques
• Pain Management
• Powerful Hypnosis Visualisations & when to use them
• CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to identify and change any unhelpful thinking patterns and beliefs
• Tapping Sequences for Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting
• NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) for helping to process any past related traumas and to anchor positive resourceful states
• Mindfulness & Meditation
• Positive Psychology
• Coaching
• 6 Hypnosis Recordings & when to use them
• Success Manual
• Birth Partner Booklet
• Positive Parenting – tools to help you through the 4th trimester & beyond